The letter “J” [It’s okay to be smart]

Joe Hanson over at It’s ok to be smart obviously has the same problem I do… Why isn?t there an amino acid or nucleotide or element with the one-letter symbol ?J?? Because I can never write out my name in anything science and that?s just not fair.

Moh’s Scale updated

When it comes to minerals, they have certain properties. One property is the hardness. Back in the day German mineralogist Friedrich Mohs had the idea to introduce Moh’s Scale, where you basically take two minerals and have a look which one can put scratches into the other. This scale has ten levels from extremely soft […]

Happy New Year! – On gravitational attraction

A new year starts and suddenly a lot of people are concerned about their gravitational attraction to the Earth. In January new subscriptions to the gym spike compared to every other month. Weight watchers and a lot of the other programs for weight reduction invest in every commercial break on TV. Gravity is a very […]

The Apocalypse – a Geoscientific View

Today is a fun day. Some New Age guys decided that an ending calendar of an ancient culture can only have one meaning: The world is going to end. Homer Simpson on the end Copyright Matt Groening Now this happens quite often and some people will always tell you that this world is going to […]

Vulcano, Volcano – Potayto, Potato

I love volcanoes! Did you know the name volcano is derived from the island Vulcano? The island was said to be the forge of the Roman god of fire: Vulcan. Now there is some kind of a problem and volcanologists sometimes get quite cocky about it, in the English language volcano is written with an […]

Jurassic Pork

For most of us this might be more on the humorous side of science. But actually studying the mating habits of dinosaurs might lead paleontologists on some important clues of how dinosaurs evolved. Dr. Halstead, known for his candid talk about Dino sex, said the following to “Omni”: “All dinosaurs used the same basic position […]