By rawpixel on Unsplash

Steal my CV!

Recently, I have updated my CV. Problem is, when I see the MS Word templates for resumes and CVs, I repulse. Few things scream 80s as much as these do. Now, let me get one thing out of the way, I have had feedback that some recruiters may prefer the 80s style. They’re used to […]

Dipping your Toes – Machine Learning for Geoscientists

My fellow students know this and I hope recruiters will never read this: I was never good at math in university. It was only later when it came to the application in actual geophysical problems that tensors, linear algebra, and differential equations clicked. Personally, I don’t recommend this, as it makes life unnecessarily hard. Machine […]

Breaking the Walls of Subsurface Energy in Aarhus

How do you make science outreach, when your topic is not “sexy”? I work in hydrocarbons. I don’t cure HIV. I don’t work with 2D materials or machine learning (yet). So how do you talk about the awesome work you do in 3 minutes on a public stage? Falling Walls Lab Aarhus Aarhus set the […]

Norway timelapse

Here at the Way of the Geophysicist, we’re in love with Norway’s nature. This video captures why.

Put it on full screen in HD and just enjoy the scene.

paper hurts

It really hurts [comic]

Everybody always says, “What’s the deal, man? It’s not like paper actually hurts you when you get beat.” But, it DOES hurt!. It does!

by Sara Zimmerman from

Got geophysics?

What happens, when a bovine invasion disrupts your measurement? You take a snapshot and let the internet have fun with it. What tearable puns can you come up with? Image credit: Robert Supper