Know your scale – Why wavelengths are so important

So you thought there is just one “seismics”? In general, we might say that the seismics experiment is watching mechanical waves travel through Earth and then apply science on it to get an image of the Earth’s interior. However, this experiment and the science behind it has a high degree of uncertainty. When we conduct […]

Improve your programming; be a better geophysicist

My personal experience with geophysics is that it’s very heavy-sided towards programming. For me this is great. I have been quite the nerd in my childhood and learned some very basic C programming on my first computer. However, I can understand if you didn’t have that kind of head start. A lot of my mates […]

A Global Lithological Map

It’s colorful, it’s huge and it’s a hundred times more detailed than its predecessors. <span class=”removed_link” title=”″></span> It’s a new lithological map of the worldHartmann, J., & Moosdorf, N. (2012). The new global lithological map database GLiM: A representation of rock properties at the Earth surface Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems, 13 DOI: 10.1029/2012GC004370. The map is […]

Why bother with Data Protection?

I’ve been talking about your data in the last post. About how we’re gonna talk about securing it. But why even bother, what is our motivation to save our data? Facebook, Instagramm and Foursquare are built around sharing private things in public. The entire world seems to revolve around the “likes” we get for sharing […]

Data Protection

Those of you who have been following this blog over the past months, know that I am working in a big company. In fact Schlumberger is so big, they have policies and trainings for everything. Yes, even one for lifting boxes in a safe way. Therefore, it probably doesn’t surprise anyone that this company handling […]