What is 4D seismics?

4D seismics is hype. It’s the new stuff. But 4D is also somewhat obscure, so when I started telling people telling that I had landed a job in 4D seismics, the most common question was: So, Jesper, what’s the fourth dimension. The answer always causes some disappointment. “It’s time.” They were hoping for some obscure […]

Scientific Conferences on a Budget

Conferences are an important part of the world of science and technology. We get to publish preliminary results and bounce them off of our colleagues (or sometimes strongest competitors). It’s time for networking and also helps to take a break from the lab grind. But conferences take a huge burden on our budget. We have […]

CC-BY-SA Torkild Retvedt

Big Data in Oil and Gas – Fuzzy Classification

Data in oil and gas has always been large, but is it also big? Big data is more than Petabytes of seismic data or well logs. Big data is a buzzword in modern technology that isn’t clearly defined, yet used to sell expensive hard and software. What is big data all about? Big data is […]

Norway timelapse

Here at the Way of the Geophysicist, we’re in love with Norway’s nature. This video captures why.

Put it on full screen in HD and just enjoy the scene.

5 Tips for Seismic Interpretation

Sometimes seismic interpretation seems like the Holy Grail. There are many decisions to make and many traps that may result in a dry well, costing millions. Getting some practice with pickthis.io seems like time well spent. Here are some personal tips how to become a better interpreter. 1. Don’t get fooled by the Next Big […]

paper hurts

It really hurts [comic]

Everybody always says, “What’s the deal, man? It’s not like paper actually hurts you when you get beat.” But, it DOES hurt!. It does!

by Sara Zimmerman from http://unearthedcomics.com/

Surprise Mammoth

A farmer in Michigan was in for more than he bargained for when he tried to dig a drainage channel in his field. Turns out an 11,700 to 15,000 old mammoth skeleton was buried beneath. He hit up the university of Michigan and the clock started ticking. With the harvest right around the corner, the paleontologists […]