Fractures and Statistics – Friday Faves

Finally another week in 4D! Sorry for the radio silence, but nothing noteworthy has come to my attention for the last two round-ups of the week. Amsterdam gets another dimension This week we have two 4D announcements that are not directly related to publications. The EAGE announced a workshop on Practical Reservoir Monitoring, explicitly asking […]

ASEG and Satellites – Friday Faves

This week in 4D seismic we have contributions from ASEG extended abstracts and Geophysical prospecting. We also have two special appearances on a statoil publication and bei Marieke van Hout – de Groot of OpenDTect marketing a premium tool on linkedin. Let’s start with Statoil. They published a multi-scale, multi-phase flow upscaling workflow. I don’t […]

Binary 4D Seismic History Matching, a Metric Study

Historymatching at ECMOR XV — Friday Faves

This week the proceedings for ECMOR XV – 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery were published. It will take place in Amsterdam from 2016-08-29 to 2016-09-01. Naturally, there are a bunch of publication on improving history matching of models. An Ensemble 4D Seismic History Matching Framework with Wavelet Multiresolution Analysis – A […]

What is 4D seismics?

4D seismics is hype. It’s the new stuff. But 4D is also somewhat obscure, so when I started telling people telling that I had landed a job in 4D seismics, the most common question was: So, Jesper, what’s the fourth dimension. The answer always causes some disappointment. “It’s time.” They were hoping for some obscure […]