paper hurts

It really hurts [comic]

Everybody always says, “What’s the deal, man? It’s not like paper actually hurts you when you get beat.” But, it DOES hurt!. It does!

by Sara Zimmerman from

Disney Princesses (as) rock!

You know the Disney princesses. You have seen them reimagined as guys, as pregnant, across different ethnicities and bearded. Now finally geologists get their fair share of Disney reimagination as well. (Yes even more than the bearded ones.) I present to you the work of Kevin Bolk: Disney princesses reimagined as pile of rocks. Cherterella […]

A geologic mystery solved! – The sailing stones

When you write about geology you inevitably come across a couple mysteries that are just unsolved. In the Racetrack Playa in Death Valley they have many names for this phenomenon. Racing Rocks Sailing Stones Wandering Stone Moving Stones In the end they were just as puzzling. These rocks were moving without any apparent force moving […]