Cheaper Deep Learning by Transfer Learning Cats to Seismic [SEG Conference 2018]

This years SEG I got the opportunity to present some of my work on transfer learning. In automatic seismic interpretation, progress is preceived as incremental already, although the field has only been established fairly recently. It was shown with new deep neural networks, usually convolutional neural networks, that reproducing human seismic interpretation is possible. This […]

Lifesavers – Two tools in my daily worklife

Today I’d like to share two tools that I have found indespensible in the course of my studies. Ironically, these have nothing to do with geophysics or seismic at all. But they’re out to save you. Git Git is a very low-key version control tool. At certain points in the process of creating you can […]

Improve your programming; be a better geophysicist

My personal experience with geophysics is that it’s very heavy-sided towards programming. For me this is great. I have been quite the nerd in my childhood and learned some very basic C programming on my first computer. However, I can understand if you didn’t have that kind of head start. A lot of my mates […]