Keeping Busy – Friday Faves

It sure is an interesting time. Apologies I kept you waiting with more Friday Faves, but for a bit of time now, unfortunately, my life was not exactly filled with joy. Let’s get back to it today and share some things that cut through the fog. With everyone in lockdown in this global pandemic, maybe […]

subsurface hackathon the anouncement

The European Subsurface Hackathon – Hacking (before) the EAGE

We did it! We hi-jacked the weekend before the EAGE conference, called it the “subsurface hackathon” and the theme was games. It was the first time Matt Hall from Agile Geoscience tried it in Europe. He has some experience with these events already at the SEG, where gems like were created. But having a […]

Improve your programming; be a better geophysicist

My personal experience with geophysics is that it’s very heavy-sided towards programming. For me this is great. I have been quite the nerd in my childhood and learned some very basic C programming on my first computer. However, I can understand if you didn’t have that kind of head start. A lot of my mates […]